Our Greatest Need: Stumbling into Salvation

Our Greatest Need: Stumbling into Salvation

Preached by: Pastor Vaughn | 06/04/23

Scripture/Text: Romans 10:1-4; In "Our Greatest Need: Stumbling into Salvation," we will embark on a thought-provoking journey, examining our struggles in recognizing our need for God's grace and the misconceptions that can cloud our understanding. Discover how, in our pursuit of righteousness, we often overlook the profound simplicity of faith.

This message is perfect for anyone seeking a fresh perspective on their spiritual walk, whether you are a new believer, a longtime follower of Christ, or simply curious about the Christian faith. Prepare to be challenged, encouraged, and inspired to pursue a deeper relationship with God, understanding that stumbling into salvation is not a sign of weakness but a testament to His immeasurable love and grace.