No Shortcuts to the Kingdom
The Sermon On The Mount

No Shortcuts to the Kingdom

Preached by: Pastor Vaughn | 3/02/25

Scripture/Text: Matthew 7:12-14; Have you ever noticed how much we, as humans, love shortcuts?

Whether it's get-rich-quick schemes, crash diets, or instant success formulas, we are constantly looking for the easiest way forward. But when it comes to eternal life, Jesus makes it clear there are no shortcuts.

In this message, we dive into Matthew 7:12-14, where Jesus reveals the two paths in life, the broad road that leads to destruction and the narrow road that leads to life.

Many people assume they are on the right path, but few actually find it.

💡 Are you on the right path?

This message will challenge you to examine your faith, reject the world's easy road, and fully commit to following Christ.