Good Fruit in a World of Wolves
Scripture/Text: Matthew 7:21-23; What if Jesus said to you, I never knew you?
These are some of the most sobering words in Scripture, found in Matthew 7:21-23.
In this message, we explore what it truly means to know Jesus and to be known by Him.
Many people claim to follow Christ, serve in ministry, and do great works in His name, yet Jesus warns that not everyone who calls Him ‘Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven.
True discipleship goes beyond words. It requires a genuine, life-transforming relationship with the Savior.
🔹 Are you relying on religious activity rather than a real relationship?
🔹 Do your actions align with your confession of faith?
🔹 How can you be sure that Jesus truly knows you?
Join us as we dive deep into the heart of the Gospel, exposing the danger of self-deception and discovering what it means to walk in authentic faith.